Number of rooms: 120
This Holiday Inn Express is within Strathclyde Country Park just by Junction 5 of the M74, to the south of Glasgow. Holiday Inn Express offers good sized rooms and a buffet style breakfast.
There are nearly 50 golf courses within a 30 minute drive of the Holiday Inn Express Strathclyde Park, including those around Motherwell, Hamilton and across the south side of Glasgow.
* For guidance only - all timings are traffic dependent.
Parkland, 18 holes
Parkland, 18 holes
Woodland, 9 holes
Parkland, 9 holes
Moorland, 18 holes
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Heathland, 9 holes
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Heathland, 9 holes
Links, 18 holes
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Heathland, Parkland, 18 holes
Parkland, 18 holes
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Heathland, 18 holes
Heathland, 18 holes
Gleneagles PGA National Academy course
Heathland, 9 holes
Heathland, 18 holes
Parkland, 12 holes
Parkland, 18 holes
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Moorland, 9 holes
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Heathland, Parkland, 18 holes
Parkland, 18 holes
Links, 9 holes
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Links, 18 holes
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Inland, 18 holes
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Inland, 18 holes
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Links, 18 holes
Inland, 9 holes
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Parkland, 9 holes
Parkland, 18 holes
Inland, 18 holes
Parkland, 18 holes
Heathland, Parkland, 18 holes
Inland, 9 holes
Parkland, 18 holes
Links, 18 holes
Parkland, 18 holes